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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About The SEO Rant Podcast

There's so much fluff out there. 5 ways to do this and 10 ways to optimize for that. It's nauseating. Is that a bit hyperbolic? Maybe, but this is the SEO Rant! 

The SEO Rant Podcast was meant to offer SEOs a space where they can share their inner-thoughts on doing SEO. It's about SEOs being able to share what annoys them about SEO as well as what makes them love SEO. 

It's a podcast that goes into SEO tips and strategy while getting in the hearts of its guests. It's SEO knowledge but more. It's SEOs sharing how they feel about their spaces and about their practice. 

And it's all done with a ton of humor. SEO podcasts shouldn't be boring. A podcast should be entertaining and The SEO Rant aims at being quite the show.


Things to Know About the SEO Rant

When do new episodes get published? 

Whenever I get passionate or peeved! You can't force a good rant people! I might rant once a week, I might rant once a month. I might rant a few times day! It all depends on how much crap I see out there in the SEO world (or how excited I get about some new SEO dynamic I stumble on). 

Is not having a regular schedule a good marketing practice? No, but I'm a purist... so here we are. 

Where I can find episodes of the SEO Rant?  

For starters, right on this website (just call me Captain Obvious). That said, you can also find episodes of the podcast on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, PlayerFM, YouTube, and pretty much wherever great (and not so great) podcasts are found!  

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Will there be guests on the podcast?  

Sure, why not? Will there be guests for every episode? No. It's like SEO itself, it all depends. There may be some regular folks I have on who also love to rant... there may an occasional one-off guest who joins in on a rant or presents their own...


In case you can't tell, this is kind of an informal little thing here. 


What's an SEO rant anyway? 

That's a great question. I'm glad I asked it. An SEO rant is the impassioned discharging of SEO information. There are many forms of SEO ranting. One could rant about how horrible or annoying or repulsive something about SEO is. 


There are also more positive forms of SEO ranting. When one sees an amazing new advent within the SEO world or stumbles upon a fascinating SEO occurrence... these are rant worthy. In such cases, the rant is less a toxic discharge of knowledge and more some sort of religious SEO experience. 


The point is, defining what an SEO rant is can be tricky as a good SEO rant is a piece of art. But not the kind of art you find in a museum, more like the art you find in some deranged neighbor's attic. 


Anyway, I hope this clarifies things a bit. 

Have an SEO rant you want to pitch? Want a certain topic covered on the podcast?


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